Bicycle South Central PA’s Active Transportation Summit
Saturday, Nov. 11 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Harrisburg Area Community College, Harrisburg PA
Registration is now open!
This year’s theme is “Success Stories” and will feature information on programs designed to get more people biking and walking. Topics include reaching underserved populations, planning for active transportation, reaching out to students in non-public schools, building a non-profit bike shop, programming to meet community needs, bike commuting incentives, the Capital Area Greenbelt and building youth mountain bike teams and trails.
The cost is only $30 pp for registration up until October 31 and lunch is included. NEW this year is the option to attend virtually for only $15.
Bicycle South Central PA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organizations whose mission is to promote bicycling, increase safety, improve conditions, and provide a voice for bicyclists in South Central Pennsylvania.