What is Bicycle South Central PA?
Mission: Bicycle South Central PA is the cycling advocacy organization serving all of South Central Pa. It is an umbrella organization that aligns and strengthens the collective voice of riders throughout PennDOT District 8, creating and protecting safe cycling facilities for all riders to enjoy for generations to come.
Vision: South Central Pennsylvania is a place where cycling is safe, fun and commonplace for transportation and recreation.
What Does Bicycle South Central PA Do?
Regional Bike Summit: BSCPA organizes a yearly Regional Bike Summit, bringing together advocates and supporters from South Central PA with local, state and national leaders. The purpose is to raise awareness of the need for safer cycling training and facilities and to educate participants about resources that exist to make this possible.
Promotes Bike Tourism: BSCPA is in the process of creating a network of bike routes that will make it easier and more interesting to bike around our region. Plans include partnering with local visitors bureaus to reach out to riders everywhere and let them know South Central PA offers some of the best biking to be found.
Supports Local Initiatives to Make Cycling Safer: BSCPA provides letters of support for bike facility grant applications and can help connect people to the resources they need to put their plans into action. BSCPA also offers safe cycling education courses and promotes the use of bike registration programs to reduce the number of bikes lost through theft.
Advocates for Safer Cycling; BSCPA works with government officials, agencies, transportation organizations, elected leaders, community members and businesses to encourage the adoption of safe cycling policies and creation of funding sources.
What Can I Do To Make Cycling Safer?
- Get involved in your local municipality’s planning process to ensure that the needs of cyclists are included in road and trail projects.
- Contact your elected officials to let them know that safe cycling projects are important to you.
- Learn about existing recommendations about creating safe cycling facilities, such as Complete Streets, the Bicycle Friendly Community Program, AASHTO and NACTO guidelines.
- Support bicycling advocacy groups such as BSCPA and League of American Bicyclists with a monetary donation or by volunteering.