
Registration Deadline for our Second Infrastructure Tour – Lancaster

Registration is due by August 5

Register Here

BSCPA’s mission is to promote bicycling, increase safety, improve bicycling facilities, advocate for bicycle-friendly policies at the state, regional and local level, and provide a voice for bicyclists in South Central PA.

In response to our mission, we want to showcase the great safety improvements that are being made throughout our region and Lancaster has some of the best examples in their city-wide network. These include contra-flow lanes, on-street bike lanes, bike share, protected parking bike lanes, bike boulevards, traffic calming measures and pedestrian safety improvements.

Here’s the basic info:

Date:  Saturday, August 7

Time: 10:00 a.m. (Arrive by 9:30 a.m.)

Cost: FREE

Location:  1090 N Charlotte St, Lancaster PA 17603  On-street parking available.

What to bring: A bicycle in good repair, helmet, water to drink, snacks (if needed)

Our host is Karl Graybill, Environmental Planner for the City. The tour will start at 10:00 a.m. but registrants are asked to arrive by 9:30 a.m. It will last approximately 2-3 hours. Meet at 1090 N Charlotte St, Lancaster PA 17603. There is plenty of on-street parking. Below is a turn by turn description of the ride. Karl will also have a map and other materials for background on the different infrastructure projects to be viewed and discussed.

You can see the City’s bike network – existing and proposed at https://lancaster-pa.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=c40398efc1b34a7a825d6b144deacc86

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